The Spring Equinox, otherwise known as the Vernal Equinox, occurs each year on the 20th March, and heralds the arrival of spring and thoughts of lazy hazy summer dayContinue Reading
Only three months (hopefully) until the weather turns. Less than a quarter of the way into the New Year, the last of the Christmas lights are but a dim memory, Brexit seems to be forgotten as the “go to” daily topic Continue Reading
The days are slowly growing longer even though it may not actually seem that way. The sun will soon be starting its annual rise in the heavens and spreading a little warmth for all of us to enjoy.Continue Reading
An evening on Redcar promenade Every time news of a new TV reality, documentary or fiction appears which is scheduled to feature the towns or cities of the North East (we are pretty sure others throughout the UK Continue Reading
Simple question relatively straight forward answer but so much depends on the individual. If you love the look of timber doors and enjoy the annual/ bi annual routine of redecorating them and you are happy to Continue Reading
This –the style — or this – the colours – Or possibly these – the hardware or maybe the glazing options Or do you actually consider – Where your door is coming from – a trusted Continue Reading
Can a Composite Door transform your home – you decide On the initial viewing the door below on the left looks a perfectly serviceable if a little dated example of a UPVC door with a single glazed panel but the “wow” Continue Reading
An Announcement to all of our readers past present and future Are the order of the day here at GFD Group of Companies as we are pleased to announce the latest addition to our ever expanding family The addition of Continue Reading
Its winter, it snows, it’s a fact of life sometime most years most of us experience a harsh winter blast with a bit of, or in the case of “the beast from the east” a lot of snow. Whether it be an East wind, or North Continue Reading
Winter is here And no, we are not talking “Game of thrones” we are talking a proper British winter a one where lots of the country signs (berries on trees etc) are pointing to a long cold dark few months. The summer Continue Reading