A front door like this – a simple means of entering or exiting a property how can it be complicated? The answer is choice! Front doors come in many shapes sizes materials and colours – the more choices the Continue Reading
Where would we be without a front door at Christmas? It’s the focal point for everything Take for example one of these Without a door where would you hang your holly wreath Without a front door where would you meet Continue Reading
Has Watson taken over from Holmes? On the left Benedict Cumberbatch taking the part of Holmes the one we have always believed to be the brains of the operation ably supported by his sidekick Watson played by Martin Continue Reading
And the next object is ??? Way back in the dark ages of television (the 1950’s) existed a quiz programme called Animal ,Vegtable, Mineral where the objectof the quiz was for the panel to identify an Continue Reading
The best 5p charge ever “Animals can eat them thinking they’re jellyfish. And we’ve collected corpses that when they’re dissected their stomachs are filled with plastic, so they’ve just Continue Reading
How much bang do you want for your buck? Or to put it another way what is “Value for money” When it comes to this stuff – the majority of us either never have enough or could always do with a little more – so when Continue Reading
Where has the year gone? It seems like only yesterday that we sat down in the office trying to work out how we would promote Global Door for Christmas 2015 and yet here we are starting to count down the days to Continue Reading
“Do not gaze too long into the Internet of Things, for it gazes also into you.” Quote from United States Director of National Intelligence – James Clapper If we are to believe what some of the best brains on the Continue Reading
Hello Angus This one that blew in over the weekend of the 19th/20th and gave us our first real taste of winter over many parts of the UK – With pouring rain and driving winds it brought havoc to many areas and Continue Reading
Like losing a friend -the moment when the Philae robot landing module left the Rosetta mother ship to the moment the Philae batteries gave out and now the deliberate crashing of the Rosetta module into Comet Continue Reading