A front door like this – a simple means of entering or exiting a property how can it be complicated? The answer is choice! Front doors come in many shapes sizes materials and colours – the more choices the Continue Reading
Has Watson taken over from Holmes? On the left Benedict Cumberbatch taking the part of Holmes the one we have always believed to be the brains of the operation ably supported by his sidekick Watson played by Martin Continue Reading
And the next object is ??? Way back in the dark ages of television (the 1950’s) existed a quiz programme called Animal ,Vegtable, Mineral where the objectof the quiz was for the panel to identify an Continue Reading
How much bang do you want for your buck? Or to put it another way what is “Value for money” When it comes to this stuff – the majority of us either never have enough or could always do with a little more – so when Continue Reading
“Do not gaze too long into the Internet of Things, for it gazes also into you.” Quote from United States Director of National Intelligence – James Clapper If we are to believe what some of the best brains on the Continue Reading
Like losing a friend -the moment when the Philae robot landing module left the Rosetta mother ship to the moment the Philae batteries gave out and now the deliberate crashing of the Rosetta module into Comet Continue Reading
Or more specifically “electronic surveillance” and the “James Bond” world of secrecy and spying – it has recently been announced that “ a Russian MP’s son has been arrested for hacking in the US” according to this Continue Reading
One of the many benefits of dealing with an online company is that you never need to see us. Those of us of a certain age remember all to vividly the days when the Fenestration (windows and Doors) Industry had a Continue Reading
Holidays on TV ? Will your tv pick your holiday? Here at GFD HQ we tend to think that we give our customers a pretty sophisticated service when it comes to buying a new front door – provided you have a computer, an Continue Reading
Throw open the windows and wish – For the majority of us we draw back the curtains and gaze out at the neighbours gardens – the roadway – more houses or a bustling city landscape – no peace little tranquility and Continue Reading